Payment Policy

A Square Coffee currently offers two payment methods: Cash on Delivery (COD) and bank transfer. The total amount payable by the customer is listed in the Total Payment section (referred to as T.P which includes the product price plus shipping fees and minus any promotions/discounts).

1. Cash on Delivery (COD)

Customers will pay 100% of the T.P to the delivery staff immediately upon receiving the goods, with no additional costs incurred.

2. Bank Transfer

Customers will need to pay 100% of the T.P via bank transfer, including any transfer fees as per the regulations of the customer's bank (if any). Below are the bank account details for payment:

  • Account Holder: Huỳnh Minh Chiến
  • Account Number: 102 784 68 68
  • Bank: Vietcombank

Contact us:

Hotline: 0901 863 579 (Mr Henry)



Address: 119 - 121 Le Loi Street, Ben Thanh Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.

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